Grown ups 2 party
Grown ups 2 party

grown ups 2 party

Kidzworld: How was working with the adult “guys” in the movie (Adam, David, Chris and Kevin etc.?) Were they silly or strong and professional or both? I went to a private, all girls’ high school. I was really lucky to have a good group of family and friends around me to make my life normal. I was at the barn every weekend and after school. I grew up riding horses so I got that “country” taste I guess. I’m really close with my family and family is the most important thing in my life. I don’t think I really missed out on anything.

grown ups 2 party

They let me start auditioning when I was sixteen. At first I was frustrated with that because acting was my passion. I had always been in my school plays but my mom and dad wanted to keep me out of the business until I was old enough to know who I was and not let anyone change me. I actually didn’t start acting until I was sixteen so I was very removed from the Hollywood scene. Halston: I did grow up in Los Angeles.Did you grow up in Hollywood? If so, do you think you missed out on anything non-showbiz kids get to experience? His last big success - a huge one - was " Grown Ups," three years ago, before the lousy returns on "Jack and Jill" and "That's My Boy." But you can't really call "Grown Ups 2" a sequel it's more like an extension or off-shoot, starting in medias res after Feder, his soignée but most curvaceous wife Roxanne ( Salma Hayek) and cute brood have already moved back to New England, after having had such a good time in the first "Grown Ups" (maybe we should be glad we were spared the trip across the country).Kidzworld: Adam Sandler’s character Lenny in the movie decides to move his family from Hollywood to the suburbs for a more simple, real life. We remember or learn that Lenny returned home to New England for the funeral of his beloved high school coach, and to reconnect with childhood pals played by Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider. Such a good time was had by all that Lenny felt it was a good idea for the kids to get away from Hollywood, where Feder, a most successful agent, was providing an overly pampered lifestyle.īeing of the most naïve and hopeful disposition, I interpreted the scene at the end of the first "Grown Ups" when Donna, Eric's daughter, blows the whistle on the five - accusing them of urinating in the pool when water around them turns blue, and the culprits are revealed - as a potential behavior corrective. There is an even bigger, more self-congratulatory relieving-of-self in "2," and blue fills the whole pool. This time the perpetrator is Shaquille O'Neal.

grown ups 2 party

Other visual gags depending on colors involve chocolate ice cream which emerges poop-like while Dickie (Colin Quinn), Lenny's childhood friend/enemy is propped before a dispenser this moment echoed later visually with yellow beer, a similar stance, and pee. More creative, if you like this sort of thing, is a new trick Eric (Kevin James) has created: he can combine belching, sneezing and farting, and even has a word for it: burpsnart, or something. These images stick out because not much else happens, despite a huge '80s theme party, the main purpose of which seems to be to let the guys acknowledge that they're getting on in years. Pranks in K-Mart are featured it's suburbia, and oddly the film doesn't make much use of nearby nature except for The Quarry, where some frat boys who want it all to themselves force Lenny and pals to jump buck-nekid into the water. This may have some purpose in the film: to point out, as the frat boys do, that all the main characters have blue collar jobs except Lenny, and that some bonded guys are even more obnoxious than Lenny and his friends. Marriage - its comforts and complaints - is the real topic of the film anyway. The married guys are hubbies with a 1950s touch, scurrying around and placating The Wife. Lenny, for all his material glories, is what used to be called hen-pecked. word to use in the era of the supportive male, but this is a very old-fashioned kind of film. Lenny takes up most of center stage in "2". A girl from sixth grade who unaccountably works at Roxanne's store is still in love with him. He has the golden touch with everything, even his childhood enemies admit.

Grown ups 2 party